How did the tune come about?
The music came first. I was toying around with some riffs based around a drum pattern, next thing you know the main rhythm track was completed.
I'm always looking for different textures and grooves that enhance the tune.
With all the uncertainty in the world today and the war raging in Ukraine, I decided to name the working title, 'War'. Once I had a full arrangement together I showed the tune to Dave. I figured we need some killer provocative lyrics.
After a week of Dave listening to the tune, we talked on the phone to discuss lyrical ideas. Dave had been toying around with a concept called, 'The Ballad of Charlie Lone' for quite some time. We threw ideas back and forth and let another week pass bye. Time can be the best incubator.
Based on the ideas that we discussed, one day the chorus lyric and melody came to me. I was making dinner one evening and between adding pasta to boiling water, I grabbed a pen and the calendar that hangs in the kitchen and jotted down the complete chorus. I was so excited I sent what I had to Dave.
Another week passed and one day we sat down to work on the rest of the lyrics. 3 hours and 3 beers each later the lyrics were fleshed out. The following week we set forth to cut all the vocal tracks for the song. Another 3 hours and 3 beers each later Dave's vocals were finished. The next few days I worked on cutting my own vocal parts.
The next couple of weeks saw plenty of hours spent on mixing the track. With an arrangement so dense it took plenty of time to make sure everything fit as it should. Another week passed once the mix was settled on, then the mastering of the track. Another week of mastering was spent until we found what we liked.
Once we settled on the final master, the video was next on the agenda. Sleepless nights and days of trying out concepts finally ended once I decided on a concept that got to the heart of what the song is about.
The next time Dave and I convened, I played the track and video for him. Once the track ended, I asked Dave what he thought. Dave smiled and said, 'I have goose bumps!' In my mind, the track and video was finished.
We set a final release for May 5th. Partly for Cinco De Mayo, Mexican independence day, but for me it was more personal. My brother Joe's birthday. My birthday present to him!
And, here we are today...still wondering, who is Charlie Lone?
The Merry Mutineers
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